Update from Administrator – November 24, 2020

Update from Administrator – November 24, 2020



Dear Families,


As you may have seen, more than 60% of Connecticut nursing homes now have at least one COVID-19 positive resident and/or employee. Community spread of this insidious virus is affecting nearly every community in our immediate region and the state.

We are reminding our staff to not only practice safeguards against COVID in our center, but to be vigilant outside of our center and share these practices with their friends and loved ones. We still ask you to do your part while in your community and PLEASE wear your mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance. And please promote these very simple precautions with your extended family and friends.

Currently we remain on precaution due to staff members testing positive. All families have been called and updated and we ask that you please reach out to us at any time should you have any questions or concerns.

Due to the increase in the number of COVID cases in the community and communities across the state, we need to prepare for the inevitable – accepting COVID-19 positive patients into our center for their post-hospital recovery. Our partner hospitals in the community have begun asking us to take admissions and making referrals to us as well as other nursing homes.

Our center does have the capacity and capability to care for these recovering individuals, including ample PPE.  If these residents are positive for the virus they will remain in quarantine. We are strongly advocating for the state to re-open the COVID-Recovery Facilities in Meriden and Torrington (and elsewhere) to ease the pressure on all nursing homes. Many nursing homes across the state are also supporting this effort.

Because these individuals would arrive in recovery, their admission to our center will NOT trigger a suspension of visitation plans, either indoor or outdoor, per the state DPH. We currently have admitted 7 COVID-19 positive residents. Our COVID unit is currently following all DPH and State guidelines on how to clean and prevent any further spread. Our housekeeping continues to disinfect multiple times per day concentrating on the high touch areas.


Outside & “Alternative” Visits:


We now have ample tablets assigned for our residents to use for virtual visits, games, tele-health visits, news updates, etc. Many of our residents are enjoying learning how to use this technology and having the world at their fingertips.

Please know that outside and “alternative” visitations will continue. While the weather is changing, we will work to continue to do outside visits on our patio for as long as possible and window visits are still possible. The weather seems to be holding steady for now and we continue to make accommodations and work on new ways to continue this safe, in-person visitation.

And again, remember that we do offer iPads for our residents to use for video visits, phone calls, etc. to ensure that you and your loved ones remain in contact, as best as you can during these very difficult times.

As always, thank you for your patience and please stay safe and healthy!


Thank you,


Rita Lynch and Maefair Team

November 24, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring